PhD students
These are the PhD students that I am a co-promotor of:
These are the people I currently have the pleasure to work together with, on either projects or papers.
Graduated students
Roy van der Steen (MSc, RU, 2023): The organizational hurdles of structurally reducing the energy consumption of software.
Stefan Weijers (BSc, RU, 2023): A feasibility study on analyzing and predicting client-side energy consumption of web browsing.
Max Philipsen (MSc, RU, 2023): Evaluating the validity of an advisory tool on accessibility measures.
Jarno Alberts (BSc, RU, 2023): Integrating energy consumption feedback in agile development processes.
Koen Verdenius (MSc, RU, 2023): How do authenticity methods affect perceptions of tweets? (PDF).
Dirk Doesburg (BSc, RU, 2023): Signatures in IRMAseal.
Luuk Godtschalk (MSc, TU/e, 2022): Accountability and Access Control using Anonymous Credentials.
Tea Coros (BSc, RU, 2022): The security risks of unverified and recycled email addresses.
Shravan Sukumar (Internship, RU, 2022): Threat Analysis of Current Build System and CI/CD System for eduVPN Apps.
Randy Putgens (Internship, OU, 2022).
Hans Lous (BSc, RU, 2022): The Influence of Graph Metrics on the Performance of Pathfinding Algorithms.
Martijn Heitkönig (Internship, RU, 2022): Protecting immutable software from anonymous attackers.
Steven Wallis de Vries (Internship, RU, 2022): eduVPN internship report.
Jos Craaijo (MSc, RU, 2021): libLISA: Learning Instruction Set Architectures from scratch.
Marc Verwoert (MSc, RU, 2021): Cyberattack scenarios for remote electronic voting consultations using IRMA.
Fu-Rianne Veens (MSc, RU, 2021): Online voting and the secret ballot in the Netherlands exploring citizens’ perceptions in local consultations.
Willem van Oort (Master stage, RU, 2020): ECA: creating a case study.
Matthijs Spaans (Master, OU, 2020).
Gunnar Noordbruis (Bachelor, RU, 2020): Energy efficient WLAN using WiFi standards b/a/g/n/ac on an Archer C7 AC1750 access point.
Tom Nikken (Master stage, RU, 2019).
Robert Buitendijk (second supervisor, Master, OU, 2018).
Robbin van den Berg (Master, OU, 2019).
Mitchell Duim (Master, OU, 2019).
Mark Westenberg (Master, OU, 2019).
Hans van de Pol (second supervisor, MSc, OU, 2018).
Erik de Brouwer (Master, OU, 2019).
Erin van der Veen (Master stage, RU, 2018).
Pascal van Gastel (no family ties, Master, OU, 2017).
Sven van Valburg (Master stage, RU, 2016).
Roel Heirman (Bachelor, OU, 2016).
Koen Buitenhuis (Master stage, RU, 2016).
Jelle De Laender (Bachelor, OU, 2016).
Stefan Versluys (Bachelor, OU, 2015).
Jeroen Kleijn (Bachelor, OU, 2015).
Guus Bonnema (Bachelor, OU, 2015).
Stijn Keijzers (Master, RU, 2014).