
PhD students

These are the PhD students that I am a co-promotor of:


These are the people I currently have the pleasure to work together with, on either projects or papers.

Graduated students

  • Roy van der Steen (MSc, RU, 2023): The organizational hurdles of structurally reducing the energy consumption of software.

  • Stefan Weijers (BSc, RU, 2023): A feasibility study on analyzing and predicting client-side energy consumption of web browsing.

  • Max Philipsen (MSc, RU, 2023): Evaluating the validity of an advisory tool on accessibility measures.

  • Jarno Alberts (BSc, RU, 2023): Integrating energy consumption feedback in agile development processes.

  • Koen Verdenius (MSc, RU, 2023): How do authenticity methods affect perceptions of tweets? (PDF).

  • Dirk Doesburg (BSc, RU, 2023): Signatures in IRMAseal.

  • Luuk Godtschalk (MSc, TU/e, 2022): Accountability and Access Control using Anonymous Credentials.

  • Tea Coros (BSc, RU, 2022): The security risks of unverified and recycled email addresses.

  • Shravan Sukumar (Internship, RU, 2022): Threat Analysis of Current Build System and CI/CD System for eduVPN Apps.

  • Randy Putgens (Internship, OU, 2022).

  • Hans Lous (BSc, RU, 2022): The Influence of Graph Metrics on the Performance of Pathfinding Algorithms.

  • Martijn Heitkönig (Internship, RU, 2022): Protecting immutable software from anonymous attackers.

  • Steven Wallis de Vries (Internship, RU, 2022): eduVPN internship report.

  • Jos Craaijo (MSc, RU, 2021): libLISA: Learning Instruction Set Architectures from scratch.

  • Marc Verwoert (MSc, RU, 2021): Cyberattack scenarios for remote electronic voting consultations using IRMA.

  • Fu-Rianne Veens (MSc, RU, 2021): Online voting and the secret ballot in the Netherlands exploring citizens’ perceptions in local consultations.

  • Willem van Oort (Master stage, RU, 2020): ECA: creating a case study.

  • Matthijs Spaans (Master, OU, 2020).

  • Gunnar Noordbruis (Bachelor, RU, 2020): Energy efficient WLAN using WiFi standards b/a/g/n/ac on an Archer C7 AC1750 access point.

  • Tom Nikken (Master stage, RU, 2019).

  • Robert Buitendijk (second supervisor, Master, OU, 2018).

  • Robbin van den Berg (Master, OU, 2019).

  • Mitchell Duim (Master, OU, 2019).

  • Mark Westenberg (Master, OU, 2019).

  • Hans van de Pol (second supervisor, MSc, OU, 2018).

  • Erik de Brouwer (Master, OU, 2019).

  • Erin van der Veen (Master stage, RU, 2018).

  • Pascal van Gastel (no family ties, Master, OU, 2017).

  • Sven van Valburg (Master stage, RU, 2016).

  • Roel Heirman (Bachelor, OU, 2016).

  • Koen Buitenhuis (Master stage, RU, 2016).

  • Jelle De Laender (Bachelor, OU, 2016).

  • Stefan Versluys (Bachelor, OU, 2015).

  • Jeroen Kleijn (Bachelor, OU, 2015).

  • Guus Bonnema (Bachelor, OU, 2015).

  • Stijn Keijzers (Master, RU, 2014).