My research theme is sustainable digitalisation. This includes both research on energy consumption of software, and inclusion/privacy research. Read more on my profile on my about page.
Download my PhD thesis about sustainable software (2016)
Jordy Aaldering, Sven-Bodo Scholz, Bernard van Gastel: Type Patterns: Pattern Matching on Shape-Carrying Array Types. 2024. In IFL'23: Proceedings of the 35th Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages: 11:1-11:14.
Miriam Fahimi, Petter Falk, Jonathan W. Y. Gray, Juliane Jarke, Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda, Evan Light, Ellouise McGeachey, Itzelle Medina Perea, Nikolaus Poechhacker, Lindsay Poirier, Theo Röhle, Tamar Sharon, Marthe Stevens, Bernard van Gastel, Quinn White and Irina Zakharova: In/visibilities in Data Studies: Methods, Tools and Interventions. 2024. In Dialogues in Data Power: Shifting Response-abilities in a Datafied World.
Roy van der Steen, Bernard van Gastel: The organizational hurdles of structurally reducing the energy consumption of software. 2023. In Proceedings of BENEVOL 2023, 2023. web version
Bernard van Gastel, Bart Jacobs, Jean Popma: Data Protection Using Polymorphic Pseudonymisation in a Large-Scale Parkinson's Disease Study (PDF). In Journal of Parkinson's Disease, 2021. web version
AS Hoffman, B Jacobs, B van Gastel, H Schraffenberger, T Sharon, B Pas: Towards a seamful ethics of Covid-19 contact tracing apps? Ethics and Information Technology 23 (1), 105-115, 2020.
Markus Klinik, Bernard van Gastel, Cynthia Kop, Marko van Eekelen: Skylines for Symbolic Energy Consumption Analysis (PDF). FMICS 2020: 93-112.
Carlo Meijer, Bernard van Gastel: Self-Encrypting Deception: Weaknesses in the Encryption of Solid State Drives. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2019: 72-87
Pascal van Gastel, Bernard van Gastel, Marko van Eekelen: Detecting energy bugs and hotspots in control software using model checking. Programming 2018: 93-98
Bernard van Gastel: Analysing energy consumption of systems controlled by software. Programming 2017: 19:1-19:2.
Bernard van Gastel, Marko van Eekelen: Towards Practical, Precise and Parametric Energy Analysis of IT Controlled Systems. DICE-FOPARA@ETAPS 2017: 24-37
Bernard van Gastel: Assessing sustainability of software - Analysing Correctness, Memory and Energy Consumption (PDF). Open University, 2016
Bernard van Gastel, Rody Kersten, Marko van Eekelen: Using Dependent Types to Define Energy Augmented Semantics of Programs. FOPARA 2015: 20-39
Rody Kersten, Bernard van Gastel, Olha Shkaravska, Manuel Montenegro, Marko van Eekelen: ResAna: a resource analysis toolset for (real-time) JAVA. In: Concurrency and Computation: practice and experience 26(14): 2432-2455 (2014)
Sylvia Stuurman, Bernard van Gastel, Harrie Passier: The design of mobile apps: what and how to teach? CSERC 2014: 93-100
Daniel J. Bernstein, Bernard van Gastel, Wesley Janssen, Tanja Lange, Peter Schwabe, Sjaak Smetsers: TweetNaCl: A Crypto Library in 100 Tweets (PDF). LATINCRYPT 2014: 64-83.
Bernard van Gastel, Freek Verbeek, Julien Schmaltz: Inference of channel types in micro-architectural models of on-chip communication networks. VLSI-SoC 2014: 1-6.
Rody Kersten, Paolo Parisen Toldin, Bernard van Gastel, Marko van Eekelen: A Hoare Logic for Energy Consumption Analysis. FOPARA 2013: 93-109.
Abdulaziz Alhussien, Freek Verbeek, Bernard van Gastel, Nader Bagherzadeh, Julien Schmaltz: Fully reliable dynamic routing logic for a fault-tolerant NoC architecture. In Journal of integrated circuits and systems 8.1 (2013), pages 43–53.
Rody Kersten, Bernard van Gastel, Manu Drijvers, Sjaak Smetsers, Marko van Eekelen: Using Model-Checking to Reveal a Vulnerability of Tamper-Evident Pairing. NASA Formal Methods 2013: 63-77.
Sebastiaan J. C. Joosten, Bernard van Gastel, Julien Schmaltz: A Macro for Reusing Abstract Functions and Theorems. ACL2 2013: 29-41.
Bernard van Gastel, Julien Schmaltz: A formalisation of XMAS. ACL2 2013: 111-126.
Rody Kersten, Olha Shkaravska, Bernard van Gastel, Manuel Montenegro, Marko van Eekelen: Making resource analysis practical for real-time Java. JTRES 2012: 135-144.
Abdulaziz Alhussien, Nader Bagherzadeh, Freek Verbeek, Bernard van Gastel, Julien Schmaltz: A formally verified deadlock-free routing function in a fault-tolerant NoC architecture. SBCCI 2012: 1-6.
Bernard van Gastel, Leonard Lensink, Sjaak Smetsers, Marko van Eekelen: Deadlock and starvation free reentrant readers-writers: A case study combining model checking with theorem proving. Sci. Comput. Program. 76(2): 82-99 (2011).
Bernard van Gastel, Leonard Lensink, Sjaak Smetsers, Marko van Eekelen: Reentrant Readers-Writers: A Case Study Combining Model Checking with Theorem Proving. FMICS 2008: 85-102. Best paper award.
Lifecycle assessements of software (funded by TNO; started in 2024).
Choosing the most energy efficient algorithm at runtime (internally funded; started in 2023).
NOLAI Sustainable data lead (together with Erik Poll), including supervising a PhD project on Assuring Privacy and Security of Research Data (€ 270k), part of the larger National Education Lab AI (called NOLAI). PhD project started in 2023;
Trade offs between public values in the data driven energy transition (internally funded, started in 2023).
ERC proof-of-concept project (€ 150k): creating a privacy impact assessment dashboard for metal health apps (together with TILT, Tilburg, started in 2022).
Past (obtained, or took part in):
CHARTER (EU Artemis project);
Formally verified Network-on-chips (funded by Intel);
Resident participation ('burgerparticipatie') with IRMA (funded by the Dutch minstery of interior affairs).
Twid (50k, funded by SIDN Fonds): introducing authenticity on the Twitter platform to battle misinformation.
PEP-NOLAI project (~2100k): creating the digital infrastruce for the National Education Lab AI.
REACT project (300k): Extending PEP: instead of bringing the data to the algorithms (as is the case with PEP), the algorithms can be computed at the storage location of the data.
PEP project (~1700k, funded by EU EFRO): a privacy-friendly data repository for medical data research.
ERC Proof of concept (150k): privacy in mental health apps, together with Tilburg University.
C4Yourself (introducting pseudonyms for small scale medical research).
Student project ideas
Fuzzing the energy consumption of software;
Energy analysis of the AEOS access control system of NEDAP (together with Artur van Leeuwen of NEDAP).
Implementing symbolic execution visualize energy consumption of external devices for Rust;
Carbon assessments of software;
Compare energy consumption of Bw-Trees with B-Trees and other data structures (LSM Tree?), using the test set up in our Software Energy Lab;
Adding energy consumption to tracing frameworks for anaylsing production deployments;
Extending GitLab to enable teams to save energy in their IT products;
Creating a test framework for Rust energy testing, based on criterion;
Using snapshots of production data to energy profile IT applications;
How to specify sustainability requirements during insourcing ('inkoop') of IT products;
Energy consumption of different GUI frameworks (intermediate-mode, retained, etc);
Comparison of async runtimes in Rust and C++, on properties such as memory usage, energy consumption, kernel calls, etc;
Microservice architecture using pseudonimization for central identifiers (using libpep);